Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fun Fact

  • said that: "The biosphere is the part of the troposphere where life can exist. This goes upwards, from the Earth's surface to the maximum height where birds can fly. Through photosynthesis, plants take the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, releasing oxygen. Through respiration, plants and animals consume oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide"
  • said: "Gravity holds the 5,000 trillion ton atmospheres in place"
  • also said: "Our atmosphere likely evolved from gases spewed out from early volcanoes at the time of the formation of Earth’s surface"
  • stated: "Atmosphere's balance is menaced by human activity, which causes greenhouse effect, global warming, air contamination, ozone belt destruction and acid rains. These effects are mainly due to the development of the industry, which took place in the last 2 centuries. The burning of the fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse effect gas. Agriculture's development dumps into the atmosphere large amounts of methane (the most powerful greenhouse effect gas) and nitrogen oxides" 
  • said: "About 20 % of the Earth's population breathes severely contaminated air, especially with carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide resulting from industrial processes. This increases the number of respiratory conditions, especially amongst children and elders. 13 % of the British children experience asthma caused by air contamination"
  • also stated: "The frequency of skin cancers is increased by the thinning of the ozone layer. This is due to chlorinated hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons from aerosols, fridges, detergents and polystyrenes. These gases rise into the atmosphere and decompose into chloride ions that destroy the ozone layer. In 1985, a hole in the ozone layer was observed in Antarctica. In 1995, a similar hole was spotted into the ozone layer over the Arctic. Now, chlorinated hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons are replaced with other chemicals in the industrial processes"



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