Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fun Fact

  • said that: "The biosphere is the part of the troposphere where life can exist. This goes upwards, from the Earth's surface to the maximum height where birds can fly. Through photosynthesis, plants take the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, releasing oxygen. Through respiration, plants and animals consume oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide"
  • said: "Gravity holds the 5,000 trillion ton atmospheres in place"
  • also said: "Our atmosphere likely evolved from gases spewed out from early volcanoes at the time of the formation of Earth’s surface"
  • stated: "Atmosphere's balance is menaced by human activity, which causes greenhouse effect, global warming, air contamination, ozone belt destruction and acid rains. These effects are mainly due to the development of the industry, which took place in the last 2 centuries. The burning of the fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse effect gas. Agriculture's development dumps into the atmosphere large amounts of methane (the most powerful greenhouse effect gas) and nitrogen oxides" 
  • said: "About 20 % of the Earth's population breathes severely contaminated air, especially with carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide resulting from industrial processes. This increases the number of respiratory conditions, especially amongst children and elders. 13 % of the British children experience asthma caused by air contamination"
  • also stated: "The frequency of skin cancers is increased by the thinning of the ozone layer. This is due to chlorinated hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons from aerosols, fridges, detergents and polystyrenes. These gases rise into the atmosphere and decompose into chloride ions that destroy the ozone layer. In 1985, a hole in the ozone layer was observed in Antarctica. In 1995, a similar hole was spotted into the ozone layer over the Arctic. Now, chlorinated hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons are replaced with other chemicals in the industrial processes"



Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Adventage Of The Atmosphere

As we dig deeper through the atmosphere, soon we know all the definition, the types and other. But what is the purpose of the atmosphere, the purpose of the atmosphere is very important. It protects us from UV light that can make us skin cancer if we have too much of it. 

Also the weather, all the important cycles and process of our environment development occurred in the atmosphere. It there is no atmosphere there will be no water and we would have to weather because our  planet is connected directly through space.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Process in the Atmosphere

Solar Radiation:

Solar radiation is a radiation that radiates energy from the sun. But many people still don't know how the solar radiation works and the process of solar radiation. In this post I will explain to you about how solar radiation works and the process of solar radiation.

First There is a matter that is called a black body. It absorbs all the energy from the sun and turn it to radiation waves. From that we know that the energy that the sun transfer through space, when it comes to earth it turn into radiation throughout the black body.


Heating Earth Surface:

As we know Solar Radiation gives energy to earth. Then when it touches the earth surface it become hot. That's why the earth is hot, because of the radiation from the sun. Then the heat is transferred throughout the outer space. The process is that the sun/solar radiation go through the earth -> the earth absorbs the radiation -> when absorb the radiation turn to heat and the heat is transferred outer space. 

In this case we know that why the earth is hot. Did you know that the Green house traps the heat in the atmosphere so that the earth become even hotter. When the earth gets hotter is called the global warming. If the earth is too hot or too cold, the organism such as human beings can't live on the planet. So we need to give the same of heat to outer space as the sun radiates, that is called radiation balance.


Emission of outgoing infrared radiation:

As we know from the above that radiation comes from energy that sun gives to earth, when sun radiate the earth, it consists of energy that travel through the earth ground. The process is that the radiation that consist all that energy  was absorbed by the ground. The is a Black Body. Its converting it to infrared radiation that consist of energy that travels to outer space. 


Water Cycle: 

We know that in the sky clouds are floating and moving around the earth. When the cloud turn gray it comes raining. But what makes a cloud and what makes rain. All that question will be answered in this post .

As we know that rain produce water. But that's just one of the process of creating water. The process that creates water is commonly called water cycle. From scientist we know that the water runs is a cycle and commonly called a Hydro logic cycle. Water is always changing states between liquid, vapor, and ice, with these processes happening in the blink of an eye and over millions of years.

From the Graphic below we can imply that the water cycle process has a different process. A simple way to explain the water cycle process is first the water from the ocean and the seas and other water source will evaporates. The steam will gather together and make a cloud. The cloud soon got a lot of water vapor in it, the color of the cloud turns to a grayish color. Then the condensation process begins, when water vapors turn into water droplets that roams the earth. The rain can drop anywhere, at the mountain, lake and anywhere else.    From there there a different process so the water can evaporates again. 

From the mountain the water will freeze because of the low temperature. From there the water will either sublimate from snow and ice into steam, or it will get unfrozen by the sun's heat and go through a water stream that go to the ocean or water places and evaporates again.

From the lake the water will be contaminated, so that the water cannot travel through the ocean again. The water will evaporate from the lake or it will go into the soil, some of it will get absorbed by trees for photosynthesis and the rest will go to the ocean again. The process when the water travels through the soil to the ocean will be long.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Air Pressure

As we know there are many layers of the atmosphere of the earth, there are 5 layers as I recall. Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and Exosphere. Everyone knows that when the you fly, the higher you go the altitude increase, and when you fly at a high altitude, you suddenly can't breath. That's because of the air pressure decreasing. Air pressure is used to pressurize air, so that the air stays on the earth. That's why we can breath when we're close to earth, but it's hard to breath when you go away from the earth. 

Definition: "Air pressure is the force exerted on you by the weight of tiny particles of air"


Atmosphere Layers

Earth Have a lot of layers of the atmosphere each with different air pressure, temperature and chemical compositions. In a research that we all know that atmosphere decrease the UV (Ultra Violet) light so that we don't get burned by to much UV light. But where is the layer that holds up the UV light from going through the earth, now I will explain to you the earth outmost layer, the atmosphere.

Atmosphere Layers:
Is the layer that surrounds the earth. It consist of layers that different characteristic. The composition of the chemical is 79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen and 1% other gas.

  • Is the Lowest part of the earth's atmosphere layer
  • The Height is 10 miles above the earth
  • Consist of dust flowing the air stream
  • Where the cloud forms, cause of weather 
  • Where water cycle forms
  • The temperature can decrease until -80 degree Celsius
  • There are also water vapor and carbon dioxide in Trotosphere
  • It has high pressure, because the other layers are above it


  • The Upper layer of the troposphere
  • The height is 20 above troposphere
  • The temperature increases slightly and become -78 degree Celsius
  • Where airplanes, jet planes and hot air balloons fly
  • Where the ozone layer is
  • Very dry, little water vapor
  • Waves and tides consist of energy flowing through the stratosphere that travel to the upper layer, and influence the heating in the layer


  • The upper layer of stratosphere
  • The height is 50 miles above the stratosphere
  • The temperature decrease and become -90 degree Celsius
  • Consist of oxygen molecules
  • Where Rockets reach
  • Where comets burns
  • Where meteors vaporize
  • Consist of high concentration of iron and other metal atoms


  • Its above the mesosphere layer
  • The height is 350 miles above the mesosphere
  • The temperature Increase because the solar activity up to 500 degree Celsius
  • Aurora mostly occur in Thermosphere
  • Contain tides and waves that produce a powerful electrical


  • Is the Outmost layer of the atmosphere
  • Where space shuttle launches
  • Molecule escaping into space
  • It fades through outer space
  • Contain of UV and X-rays radiation from the sun
  • Mostly Hydrogen